
Grandma’s Beginner Scarf (FREE)

This scarf is replication of the first I learned to knit. (And as you can see, it ain’t perfect. But let that be part of your process. Your learning, you’re a creative Being – not a machine. 🙂 )

This pattern (well, instruction, anyway) 😄 was the first that my grandma taught me when I was a little girl. 

We were sitting in my gradparents living room; she in her chair, me on her knees.

As she was showing me how to cast on stitches, I remember feeling a sense of pride. It felt like a sort of initiation into a sacred sisterhood (and now, brotherhood, too). One, that had been around for centuries and that knitted together not just a greater tale of womankind, history, socio-economics etc. but also the women in my direct line of heritage.

Well – and of course, knitting (and crocheting – I love both and have done more crocheting than knitting up till now) is a very concrete, tangible creative endeavour.

And I too that it’s also a reconnection to our bodies, to that slow, natural rhythm of life. 

Anyways, I have so much more I could say but I’ll save those words for another day.

Download the pattern here👇

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